Stutterheim Story

Prepare yourself for a story three years in the making! In April of 2015 I wondered into a store (which I will not name) and found this beautiful raincoat that I absolutely loved. What I did not love was the $400 price tag. However, I decided that I had to have it! Since they did not have the colour and size I wanted, they ordered it in for me. I only fell in love with the brand more when I went home and read their story and the value they place on melancholy. It was a beautiful story, wrapped in personal history and beautiful words. 


A few weeks later, my coat had arrived. Or so I thought... I arrived at the store only to find the coat that was sent from a different store location had a hole in it, and with the fabric it was not possible to fix. So it was ordered again! Spring weather was in full force and I just wished I had a raincoat every time I stepped out into the pouring rain.


I returned a third time only to find the coat in the wrong colour. Now after two months, the coat I had been dreaming of for the rainy spring weather which had already passed, was still not mine! So they ordered it again, I filled out a form and a black XXXS would be mine! 


Three years later, I did not receive my dream raincoat from that store. But I did meet my dream man, who had heard me retell this saga enough times that he gifted me with the exact one I wanted! So farewell, Stutterheim saga and hello Stutterheim surprise! Thank you Stutterheim for this incredible coat


I'd love to hear your stories down below if you've ever struggled with a store or a fun story on finding that favourite piece of clothing!