12 Things x Wedding

1. I attended a bridal shower in Edmonton last weekend and one in Calgary this weekend. I am so blessed by the friends who so generously chose to host such beautiful celebrations for me! As well as all the friends and family that made time to celebrate with me!

2. I still am in shock about how many gifts I got and Lauren hilariously commented that "they should make a game called after the shower where brides have to now find a spot for all their new items!" It's so true.

3. My mom wore a baby's breath flower crown on her wedding and I always thought I would wear one too, but I decided to get one for my Calgary shower instead!


4. A few weeks ago when I was in Vancouver, I actually went for a wedding dress fitting! My friend Aileen is making my dress and I can't wait to see it all finished up! I suggest you check her out if you're in the market!

5. While I was in Vancouver, we also stayed up really late (or early, depending on your perspective) to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle get married. It was such a beautiful wedding and her veil totally convinced me to wear one! But if anyone knows where to get a tiara like that, let me know! 

6. Davey and I decided to do our wedding in two parts. We are eloping in less than a month with our immediate families, and celebrating our marriage at the end of summer. I know a lot of people probably have opinions on this but it's something that was super important to me specifically that us committing our lives to one another is not a show, it's an intimate moment between us and God and the people we believe will be here to support us. 


7. Since the reception does not have a ceremony, wear re trying to make the party as fun as possible! So I would love to know what your favourite things about a wedding reception is? Besides the dance!

8. Is anyone a huge DIY fan? I always thought I would avoid it at all costs, and although we are doing very minimal, simple DIY things, there is DIY being done. I am so thankful Davey has taken the reigns on that.

9. Wedding planning has been both stressful and equally painless. I understand this is confusing, but I think the most stressful parts have just been trying to manage everyone else's opinions. But it has also been painless because I could not have asked for a more patient and willing partner to do it all with. So I would just like to say, if I have ever offered an opinion on your wedding, I apologize. 


10. Something that is super important to me is having the protea flower in my bouquet since it is the national flower of my home country. It has proven to be very difficult to find in Calgary, but I finally confirmed with a florist this week that I will have one! Yay!

11. I am currently rewatching Gossip Girl and paying extra close to all of the weddings that happen! I just love love, and I think I love it a little bit more now that I get to marry my dream guy!

12. I can't believe in just a few short weeks I will be a Mrs! How does one prepare for such a change? Any tips?


I'd love to know if there is anything you guys would love to know about wedding planning or my experience! I am happy to share more of my experience through this all, if you'd find it interesting! (Note, I did colour my hair in-between showers).

Outfit Details:
Aritzia dress has been discontinued :(
Aritzia Jumpsuit
Floral Crown by Amborella
White Bralette

Photos by my friend Lauren!