6 months of marriage

Happy 6 months to us!


I can’t imagine my life without Davey. It’s been the wildest 6 months and to think how close we’ve become and how much we’ve learned about each other since moving in together and really doing life together is truly incredible. Rather than this being a totally serious blog post I wanted to share some of the more humorous things I’ve discovered since being married to Davey.

  1. Davey really hates the bedsheets tucked in at the bottom of the mattress. He says he feels like he’s in a waffle maker and if I could have hotel grade bed making skills, I’d do it. So that’s a fun one to navigate.

  2. Davey is actually the funniest right when we are going to sleep. I have never laughed so hard in my life as right when I am trying to sleep because he just gets this spout of hilarity and I really think I should record him one time.

  3. I despise those little beard hairs that go flying everywhere when he shaves. I have no idea how to get rid of them all. But he also hates how much hair I lose all over the apartment, mine is just easier to clean.

  4. Davey leaves his dirty dishes on the counter rather than in the sink, which I find very odd because I leave mine in the sink. Sometimes I come back in the kitchen and he’s moved them from the sink to the counter but not to the dishwasher. Very curious what you do so tell me below!

  5. Dreaming together is so much more fun when you’re married. The best part is the actual dreaming, and that you never forget your dream before you get a chance to tell the other person because they’re right there!


Now on a more serious note. In these first few months I’ve learned how important it is to equip yourself for a successful marriage. A successful marriage isn’t just going to happen and to think it is, is just naive. Just as in dating when you purposefully spend time together, make plans, set goals and dream; you have to do the same in marriage. We’ve listened to marriage podcasts, finally found a devotional that isn’t outdated and is actually enjoyable, we make a point to communicate through any annoyances or issues and we are continuing to grow and set goals for ourselves. The biggest thing we’ve learned is that a lot of couples think that a wedding, the day you get married is the end goal and then it’s done. But the wedding day is such a blip compared to how much more is to come. So I hope if you are engaged, hoping to get married or already married you’re just reminded and encouraged by the fact that there is so much more after your wedding day.


Running with you for life!

Photos by Nicole Alex