Why I'm Transitioning To Clean Beauty

Why I'm Transitioning To Clean Beauty

You may have read in my Nashville blog that I am slowly making the switch to clean beauty! I decided to switch because I read a post by some of my favourite ladies over at Treasures & Travels and it really inspired me to look at the beauty products I was using. I found it so refreshing that these girls are using their platform to promote health and wellness in beauty products even if that means turning down jobs and money, which I know can be a battle! But it also gave me more confidence that what they were promoting they truly stood behind and I hope I can do the same here!


So back to beauty! I started using this app called ThinkDirty (I love a cheeky name). Firstly, the app looks at the ingredients in each product and rates it out of ten, ten being the worst, based on carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and allergenicity and immunotoxicity. Secondly, I scanned all of the products I had been using and I was absolutely shocked! Even products that portrayed themselves as ‘clean’ came up with such a terrible rating! I will admit, there were a few items that unfortunately didn’t come up with a rating at all, but the app allows you to submit these products to be reviewed.


When you look at each product it tells you which ingredients are listed under each toxic category. So I’ve also tried to educate myself on which ingredients contain the toxic ingredients so that when I’m shopping now I can keep an eye out for them and make an educated purchase.


One of the first switches I made was my deodorant! It is one of the worst culprits for toxic ingredients. More on this later!


I would love to know your thoughts on this and where you stand on this topic!